Tuesday, October 25, 2011

What to Wear for your Engagement Session

Talk to your engagement session photographer ahead of time about whether or not wardrobe changes will be possible, and if so, how many. 

Bring multiple outfits and makeup to the shoot, even if you don’t necessarily plan on changing. You never know what will happen, especially if it is on location or outdoors. 

Communicate with your fiancé about what you want your photographs to reflect. Are you a laidback couple? Maybe you want to show your personality by only wearing casual clothes. Just make sure that your expectations are the same. To you “casual” may mean a nice tee shirt and jeans, to him it might mean whatever is on his floor and relatively clean, despite the wrinkles and stains. 

Make sure that you coordinate. This doesn’t mean you have to wear matching argyle sweaters (really, don’t), but the colors shouldn’t clash. Have fun! Come with positivity and adaptability. The biggest thing that can ruin your e-session is if you are clearly unhappy.

Taken from www.mywedding.com
 Please visit and browse through the site!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

#1 Biggest Mistake When Planning Weddings

Re-Blogged from www.thefrazzledbride.com 

It always makes me cringe when brides say they plan to ask their friends to take their wedding day pictures, or have their aunt make all of the food for the wedding. Yes, it’s a financially-strained time for brides and grooms — with the average wedding cost over $20,000 — and everyone’s in search of a way to save money. But asking guests to take on the big, important parts of your day: that’s just a disaster waiting to happen.

Photography and Videography: Expert photo and video professionals are worth every penny for the high quality of photos and footage they capture with their top-tier camera equipment. They know how to be in the right place at the right time, almost magically, to never miss a shot. They know how to work the lighting, to capture you looking your best.

They look past that great shot of your first dance to make sure no one’s doing anything ridiculous in the background (a recent wedding photo revealed a guest sitting with her legs spread, right in the background of the momentous first dance photo.) Well-meaning friends with great cameras can take great photos at weddings, but they don’t have the years of experience and eagle eye to deliver top-tier results. They also can’t fast-pace the post-ceremony shots to get you to your cocktail party.
Another disaster related to asking friends to take photos and video: they don’t realize they’d have to work the whole time. Many a bride and groom have found their big moments completely missed, since the friend decided to hang out at the bar, or take a turn on the dance floor. One friend blamed her baby at the wedding for messing with her camera settings!

Food: Asking a friend to step in as caterer is one of the biggest Don’ts in all of wedding planning. Friends can surely bring platters of desserts and other specialty recipes to an engagement party or bridal shower as their contribution and gift at the party, but when it comes to the reception itself, a pro is who you need to trust. They know how to whip up dishes and courses in top-speed, serving them at the right temperature. They know the food safety secrets, especially on a hot outdoor wedding day, to prevent food poisoning. They mobilize their teams of servers. They have suppliers in the food market to net you great deals. They bring backup equipment.
You don’t want your friends and family missing your wedding because they’re in the kitchen slaving over a stove, waving away smoke from burned garlic knots because a sushi emergency distracted them, stressed and frazzled because guests are eating food faster than they can cook it.

Setup: Again, friends and family can certainly do the setup and decorating for other parties in your wedding season, but it’s best to hire a day-of wedding coordinator to oversee all tent setup, item delivery, time-consuming decorating including last-minute ironing of tablecloths, picking up missing items — while you, your mom and the bridesmaids are at the salon getting your hair and makeup done, sipping champagne, without a care in the world. Having a pro handle the hectic, harried pre-arranging is priceless, worth a block of your budget.
Alterations: This one kills me. Asking a friend to do the alterations on a wedding gown is like asking a friend to do your dental work to save money. An experienced pro can fit your gown so well, it makes you look 15 pounds thinner and adds comfort to your movements.

By contrast, a friend who knows how to hem could save you $200, but those seams will be buckled, the zipper threatening to blow, hems falling and your top slouchy because your straps aren’t taken up correctly. Don’t walk around with parts of your gown stapled in place. A pro can work magic on your dress.
Simply put, your friends and family want to help you create your dream wedding day, and when their contributions can be counted as their wedding gifts to you, it gives them a financial break as well. But choose wiser, more realistic ways for them to help out. Instead of giving them those ultra-important roles, trying to save $5,000 at a time, let them take on some time-consuming or budget-finding tasks like these:

• Making your favors
• Suggesting well-priced professionals they’ve worked with before
• Connecting you with people you know in the industry who might give a ‘friends and family’ discount
• Lending you party supply items like pedestal plates, chafing dishes, espresso-makers, platters and other home-party essentials
• Sending you links to Coupon Codes from their favorite coupon sites to save you hundreds on purchases
• Taking photos and video at other events, like your engagement party or morning-after breakfast

Quality wedding professionals are out there, offering golden opportunities to get their quality work and services, plus smart advice on how to get fantastic wedding elements on your budget. With so many ways to shave down expenses in other areas of your wedding plans, you can make room in your budget to hire professionals. They hold your wedding’s success, and your lifetime memories, in their hands. So give those big tasks to reputable, legitimate pros, and let your friends and family breathe a sigh of relief that what you’ve asked them to do is low-pressure, within their skill set, and allowing them to be guests, not workers, on the wedding day.

The Moral of The Story: Hire a wedding planner/coordinator, you won’t regret it! Check out my website for different package options and fall specials! www.momentibellievents.com

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Grumpy Old Man

As an artist pent up in a cubicle all day working nimbly on insurance and putting out fires for other people, sometimes a little walk with my camera is needed. Well today was one of those days that aloud for a lunch break and a meander down Pleasant Valley Road. After stopping at the liquor store by the 3 way stop at Bucks Bar Road, you know that intersection next to the creepy house that everyone said was haunted? Yes, fitting for Halloween I thought. Well next to said liquor store is this quaint office looking space that I have never seen occupied but has recently had an address added by the door. Being the photographer that I am and seeing two old lonely barrels I decided that this would be a great senior portrait or engagement session location. 

Until I met the owner of the property. I immediately thought Grumpy Old Men times ten. As he tried to quickly cross the street from the Haunted House at the Intersection he yells at me "What the hell are you doing?" So I replied as I do when I am somewhere shooting and the obvious question is asked, "I am a local photographer and this would make a great location for some portraits. I wanted to document this spot so that I may not forget about it."

The look on this man's face was by far the most evil look that I have seen from a person asking what I am doing. Imagine a 6' 7" or so 300 pound grumpy old man standing in front of you fuming. So I says to this man, "I have no problem in leaving but if you do not tell me that you have a problem and to leave I will continue on about my business of photographing the pretty things of this Earth." 

With that and a few ugly words in my direction I took what he said as "get off my property!" Now I know the truth. The old haunted house at the corner is not so much ghostly haunted as is haunted with negative old close mindedness. I think that I shall make him a print of the pretty little things of this Earth and hand deliver it next week. 

"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind."
Mahatma Gandhi 

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Halloween Photo Session Deal!

Haven't scheduled your Halloween themed photo shoot? Fret no more! Stimulate Photography is running $50 special on this months Halloween themed photo shoots.


45 minute session
On location, your choice in the local Sacramento area.
3 professionally edited photos w/print rights.
Private online viewing gallery.
Up to two people ($20 per person over 2)
4 day turn around on your photo cd. (mailed/delivered)
Any age, any costume, any ideas you may have can be incorporated into your photo session!

Please take a moment to check out my website and see what I do!
As well as my FB fan page:

Limited time slots available so contact Rebecca soon!

916.224.0194 (call/text)
stimulatephotog@gmail.com (Fastest correspondence.)

Thank you and happy Halloween!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Congrats Brian and Carolina!

A wonderful ceremony filled with family from all over!
Congratulations to Brian and Carolina for finding each other. These two certainly are two pieces completing each others puzzle.

Married August 6, 2011
Oak Leigh Gardens in Fair Oaks, CA

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Congratulations SAMMIES Winners!

Who won a Sammies? Winners here! 

Hall of Fame
Anton Barbeau
DJ Larry Rodriguez
DJ CrookOne 

The Nickel Slots, www.thenickelslotsmusic.com
Artist of the Year, Reader’s Choice
Autumn Sky, www.facebook.com/autumnskymusic 
The Golden Cadillacs, www.thegoldencadillacs.com
Cover Band
Steelin’ Dan: A Tribute to Steely Dan, www.steelindan.com

Dance Night
Grimey at TownHouse Lounge 

DJ Whores, twitter.com/DJWhores

Electronic Artist 
Tha Fruitbat, soundcloud.com/tha-fruitbat 

Random Abiladeze, www.randomab.com

Tera Melos, www.teramelosmusic.com  

Kate Gaffney, www.kategaffney.com

The Nibblers, www.thenibblersband.com 

White Minorities, www.facebook.com/whiteminorities
Hard Rock
A Single Second, www.facebook.com/asinglesecondsacca
Tribe of Levi, www.tribeoflevi916.com

Hip-hop producer

Chase Moore, twitter.com/chasePAYMEmoore


Musical Charis, www.musicalcharis.com
Kill The Precedent, www.facebook.com/killtheprecedent 
Sol Peligro 

A Lot Like Birds, www.alotlikebirds.bandcamp.com
Prylosis, www.prylosis.com
Music Video 
C-Plus, “Do What You Want (Gone)” 

Music Video Director
Jae Synth, www.youtube.com/user/jaesynth

New Artist
Black Holes, What? 

The Reel, www.wearethereel.com
Whiskey and Stitches, twitter.com/whiskeystitches

Tessa Evans, www.tessaevans.com
The Shades of Gray, www.theshadesofgrayband.com
Recording Studio
Pus Cavern, puscavern.com
Reggae/Roots (tie)
Arden Park Roots, www.aproots.com
ZuhG, www.facebook.com/zuhglife
Release of the Year 
ZuhG, Free Love

Lite Brite, www.litebriteband.com
Autumn Sky, www.facebook.com/autumnskymusic 

Teen Band 
Simpl3Jack, www.simpl3jack.com
DJ Rated R, www.thelivemanikins.com  

**Winners list taken from Sacramento News & Review