Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wedding Photography

Today I ran across a great site titled Wedding Photojournalist Association. I went surfing through articles as well as what they had to offer photographers and found this great article:


There are certain standard wedding images that have been captured again and again throughout the decades. We all know what they are: the bride and her bridesmaids preparing for the ceremony, the father kissing the bride, the walk down the aisle, the married couple’s first kiss and many others. These images are iconic in that they’re instantly recognizable and steeped in tradition.

But many of these pictures are also cliché. They’ve been done and redone almost to the point of yawning boredom. They have been seen so many times, in one slight variation or another, that they flirt with meaninglessness, having lost so much emotional “oomph” as we’ve all become desensitized to the same imagery over time.
The quality of true timelessness, photographs that look as though they could have been created yesterday or 50 years ago, occupies another level altogether. Such images require anticipation, patience, recognition and photojournalist skill on the part of the wedding photographer.

New York City, NY, USA-based WPJA member Jacek Wiesnowski believes that the difference between “cliché” and “timeless” is wrapped up in how you capture the moment, whether in the action, the expression of the faces or the gestures of the hands.

“In wedding photography, what’s important is not just capturing the iconic image, but how you capture it,” he says. “You need to capture emotion at the same time—not just the scene but also emotion in the face. This is what is going to make the image not only iconic, but also elegant.”

Please read more here: Timeless, or Simply Iconic

This article really caught my eye. Enjoy!

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